Ressources / Transplantations

Liver Transplants

A liver transplant is a surgical procedure that replaces a diseased or damaged liver with a healthy liver from another person. An entire liver may be transplanted or just a piece of one.

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fast facts about liver transplants

  • A liver transplant is a life-preserving operation
  • You can live a normal post-transplant life
  • You will be on medication (anti-rejection medication) your whole life following a liver transplant to keep you well
  • Some people may require multiple liver transplants in their lifetime, as it’s possible liver disease will return

living with a liver transplant

Most people can live a normal life after a liver transplant. You will however, remain on medication for the rest of your life to prevent infection and organ rejection.

Post-transplant, you can experience the best outcomes by living a liver-friendly lifestyle:

  • Eat a healthy diet – check out our liver-friendly recipes
  • Avoid others who are sick
  • Take prescribed medication
  • Be mindful of food poisoning
  • Visit your doctor or healthcare provider regularly
  • Don’t drink alcohol
  • Don’t smoke
  • Stay up to date on routine vaccinations and cancer screening
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