Syndrome de Reye

Reye’s syndrome is a rare complication of common childhood respiratory infections impacting all organs in the body.

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what is reye’s syndrome?

Reye’s syndrome is a rare but serious condition that primarily affects children and teenagers, causing swelling in the brain and liver. It typically occurs during recovery from a viral infection like the flu or chickenpox. Reye’s syndrome can lead to liver complications such as fatty deposits in the liver and liver failure.

en bref

  • Reye’s syndrome is most common in school-aged children and teenagers, but cases also occurs in infants.
  • When detected early, most children with Reye’s syndrome can recover in a few weeks without lasting complications.
  • Reye’s syndrome is most harmful to the brain and liver but affects all organs in the body.


Common symptoms for Reye’s syndrome include:

  • Vomiting
  • Behaviour changes (aggression or irritability)
  • Seizures
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Lack of energy

Reye’s syndrome symptoms do not look the same for everyone and do not follow a typical pattern. Some patients may not experience every symptom of Reye’s syndrome. It is important note that symptoms of Reye’s syndrome can progress and worsen rapidly within hours.

l'impact du mode de vie

Reye’s syndrome is a life threatening disease that can greatly impact a patient’s lifestyle. If not treated early, Reye’s syndrome can lead to brain damage, issues with cognitive development, liver failure, and potentially death. If detected early, children with Reye’s syndrome can make a full recovery without lasting complications.

que puis-je faire ?

la prévention

The exact cause of Reye’s syndrome is still unknown. However, some studies have suggested that the use of aspirin to treat or manage viral illnesses may increase the risk of developing Reye’s syndrome. A patient experiencing a viral illness should always consult their doctor before taking aspirin or anti-nausea medications to prevent developing this condition.


Diagnosis of Reye’s syndrome is based off the child’s medical history, recent illnesses, and whether or not they have taken aspirin. There are no specific tests for Reye’s syndrome but some common diagnostic tests to assess liver and brain functioning include:

  • Blood tests to determine liver functioning
  • Urine and stool samples to assess toxin levels
  • Liver biopsy to investigate fatty deposits
  • Electroencephalogram to analyze brain activity
  • Lumbar puncture (spinal tap) to analyze spinal pressure and cerebrospinal fluid


There currently is no cure for Reye’s syndrome. Treatment for this condition focuses on protecting the brain from swelling, treating symptoms, and reducing damage to other organs.

ressources supplémentaires

Voici quelques questions à poser à votre médecin ou à l'équipe médicale :

  • What are common complications/ symptoms for Reye’s syndrome?
  • Are there any medications that can help treat my child’s symptoms?
  • What pain relivers are safe for my child experiencing the flu?
  • What are the next steps to ensure my child’s organs are protected?