Wilson Disease Webinar: Genetic Testing and Emerging Treatments
Liver Canada co-hosted this webinar with the American Liver Foundation on Wilson Disease: Genetic Testing ...
Living With Liver Disease: Nutrition and Liver Disease
Nutrition and the liver are interrelated in many ways. Some ways are well understood; others ...
Nutrition and the Liver (PDF)
Nutrition and the liver are interrelated in many ways. Some ways are well understood; others ...
Sugar and Healthy Eating
The World Health Organization (WHO) guideline recommends adults and children reduce their daily intake of ...
Liver Disease in Infants and Children
If my baby is jaundiced, does it mean he/she has liver disease? Jaundice develops ...
Liver-Healthy Shopping Guide
The liver is the body’s most efficient battery, it powers our body by storing &...
Meet the Researcher: Ms. Amber Hager
In our latest installment of Meet the Researcher, we connected with Ms. Amber Hager to ...
Meet the Researcher: Dr. Giada Sebastiani
As we marked International NASH Day on June 10, we are pleased to share our latest ...
Meet the Researcher: Dr. Lori West
Today we’re excited to share the first in a new series of videos we’...
Meet the Researcher: Dr. Andrew Mason
For our most recent Meet the Researcher video, we are pleased to introduce you to ...
Série d'éducation des patients de la NSI et de l'UHN : Don et transplantation de foie vivant
Quelle est la durée de la liste d'attente pour un donneur décédé ? Quels sont les risques et les avantages d'un ...
2022 Session du LWLD #2 : Maladie auto-immune du foie
Une maladie auto-immune du foie signifie que le système immunitaire de l'organisme attaque le foie. ...