
Mois de la santé du foie : Il suffit de demander


Just ask campaign banner

Have you ever wondered about the connections between liver disease and mental health? Do you have questions about why some populations are more at risk of developing a liver disease than others? Are you trying to understand stigma? Have you ever wanted to ask a living donor what compelled them to give?

March is Liver Health Month, and this year we want to do something special. We’re calling it ‘Just Ask.’

This is your opportunity to ask a diverse group of patients, experts and Canadian Liver Foundation staff anything you’d like. We have brought together mental health experts, doctors and researchers, living donors and transplant recipients, survivors and more to answer your questions.

Have a question? Just Ask.

If you have a question, chances are you’re not the only one. Just Ask today and help the CLF provide support and education to the millions of Canadians affected by liver disease right now. We will share your important question and answer with the broader community so that others can benefit from your thoughtful inquiries.

Submit your question now and watch as answers are shared with the community throughout the month of March.

Jennifer Nebesky

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