
Ne manquez pas le défi des 72 heures !


Right now you have an opportunity to step up and truly be the answer!

For the next 72-hours, an incredibly generous donor has stepped forward with an amazing offer: they will match every donation we receive, up to a total of $20,000! This means that every dollar YOU contribute during this limited time will have twice the impact!

🕒 Act Now – The Clock is Ticking! 🕒

Your support during the next 72-hours will have double the impact in driving initiatives that make a real difference in the lives of those facing liver disease. Initiatives like:

📱 CLF Mobile App for Digital Peer Support: Your contribution will support the development of our CLF Mobile App, providing digital patient support, resources, and a vital connection to the liver community. With your help, we can be the answer they need.

🍏 Expanded NAFLD/NASH Patient Support: We’ll create educational materials and resources for diet planning, physical activity recommendations, and strategies to improve metabolic health for those with NAFLD/NASH. Your donation enables us to be the answer to their health challenges.

🔬 Screening and Early Detection Programs: Your donation will expand our successful Liver Beware program and introduce community-based screening initiatives for at-risk populations across Canada. You can be the answer to early detection and prevention.

🔍 Research and Collaboration: Your gift will be allocated to 2024 research grants for Canadian researchers focused on liver cancer, advancing our understanding of liver disease. 

Your generosity during this critical 72-hour window will help us make significant strides towards impacting the lives of people facing liver disease right now and far into the future. Together, we can provide vital resources, support, and hope to those affected by liver disease.

Thank you for your unwavering support, which allows us to continue our vital work. We’re excited to see the incredible impact we can make during these 72-hours together as we strive to be the answer.

Don’t miss this opportunity to double your impact! Your donation today will go twice as far in making a real difference in the lives of those affected by liver disease.