How Your Donation Helps
From past triumphs to future goals - we're working towards transforming the future of liver health - together.

From past triumphs to future goals - we're working towards transforming the future of liver health - together.
Read more to see how your donations have supported us at Liver Canada and how your continued support fuels our hopes for the future of all Canadians.
Liver Canada has funded over $38 million in liver research. In 2024, we committed to investing $500,000 in four liver cancer research projects, paving the way for breakthroughs.
Commit to new research partnerships in 2025 that will one day change lives.
Reached 2,960 attendees with liver health information through 10 webinars delivered in partnership with healthcare organizations and responded to thousands of patient inquiries across Canada through our website and National Help Line.
Add nutrition support to our helpline (in response to increasing requests), expand our peer support program to reach more people across the country, and create a Transplant Navigator program to help people through the transplant process.
5,736 patients got screened for MASLD (commonly known as fatty liver disease), fibrosis and/or cirrhosis of the liver in Vancouver in the last three years.
Expand our early detection screening program to two new locations in 2025.