Living with Cirrhosis

Living With Cirrhosis Video

This video will teach you about activity, diet, what to watch for, and how to care for yourself when you have cirrhosis.

Cirrhosis and Liver Cancer

Cirrhosis and Liver Cancer

Cirrhosis is the formation of scar tissue in the liver. This can often lead to cancer. Major causes of liver cirrhosis include alcohol use, chronic hepatitis B and C, and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Most causes of cirrhosis are also associated with the development of liver cancer.

What is Cirrhosis?

What is Cirrhosis Video

Cirrhosis is a condition (not a disease) that results from permanent damage or scarring of the liver. There are many things that can cause damage to the liver, such as too much fat or alcohol, as well as conditions related to infections, genes, and the immune system. This affects the liver from performing […]

Radiation Therapy for Liver Cancer

Radiation Therapy for Liver Cancer Video

Radiation therapy is a treatment that uses high-energy rays (such as x-rays) to kill, shrink or prevent the growth of cancer cells. This type of treatment may also be used to provide relief from symptoms, but it does not cure liver cancer. Studies to show that radiation therapy prolongs life […]

Ablation for Liver Cancer

Ablation for Liver Cancer Video

An ablation is a form of localized treatment which refers to methods that destroy a tumour without removing it. This method can cure small localized primary liver cancer. Examples include destroying the tumour by using high-energy radio waves and heating cancer cells (radiofrequency ablation, or RFA), destroying the tumour by […]

Embolization for Liver Cancer

Embolization for Liver Cancer Video

When surgery or ablation cannot be used, embolization is next in line. It is a form of localized therapy. In embolization, the blood supply to the cancer can be reduced by blocking or reducing blood flow of the hepatic artery (the artery that feeds liver tumours as well as healthy […]

Managing the symptoms of liver cancer & the side effects of treatments

Managing the symptoms of liver cancer & the side effects of treatments video

Symptom management is an important aspect of coping with liver cancer. When symptoms are properly addressed and managed, it can significantly strengthen the capability of your loved one and their overall quality of life. Here are common symptoms experienced by those with liver cancer and suggestions that caregivers can use […]