2022 LWLD Session #1: Nutrition and Liver Disease

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Your liver plays a key role in converting food into the chemicals essential for life and serves several important metabolic tasks in handling nutrients. This Living with Liver Disease session on nutrition and the liver was presented with University of Alberta professor and Registered Dietitian Dr. Diana Mager.

Meet the Researcher: Dr. Naglaa Shoukry

Meet the Researcher: Dr. Naglaa Shoukry

Dr. Naglaa Shoukry is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Montreal and University of Montreal Hospital Research Center (CRCHUM). She is also the Director of the Canadian Network on Hepatitis C (CanHepC).

COVID-19 Misinformation

In this video, Dr. Hussaini discusses some of the misinformation that is being circulated about COVID-19.

Tylenol and Advil: How These Relate to COVID-19

There have been reports that ibuprofen may worsen COVID-19. In this video, Dr. Trana Hussaini discusses both Tylenol (acetaminophen) and Advil (ibuprofen) and their relationship to COVID-19 and overall health.

COVID-19 and Liver Disease

In this video, Dr. Eric Yoshida answers various questions from liver disease patients about COVID-19, including whether they will be more severely impacted than others, if they should continue to see their hepatologist as usual, and when they should go to the hospital.

Meet the Researcher: Dr. Andrew Mason

Meet the Researcher Dr. Andrew Mason

For our most recent Meet the Researcher video, we are pleased to introduce you to Dr. Andrew Mason. Dr. Mason is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Alberta, where he is Director of the Applied Genomics Core and Director of Research for the Division of Gastroenterology.

Meet the Researcher: Dr. Lori West

Meet the Researcher: Dr. Lori West

Today we’re excited to share the first in a new series of videos we’re calling our Meet the Researcher Series. We’re pleased to introduce our first researcher, Dr. Lori West. Dr. West is the Founding Scientific Director of the CDTRP – Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program.