Questions To Ask Your Doctor

A visit to your doctor can be a challenging experience. Many doctors have jam-packed schedules; meaning they may not have as much time as they would wish to discuss issues in detail with their patients. As a patient, you may not think to share all the information your doctor needs, […]

Canada’s Food Guide and Your Liver Health

On January 22, 2019, Health Canada released an update to Canada’s Food Guide. This is exciting news for Canadians. Several changes to the Guide’s layout and content have been done to ensure that Canadians are provided with up-to-date and evidence-based nutritional information. Emerging as important concepts within the new food […]

Five years and 100 lbs. ago…

28-year-old Leigh had never heard of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and had no idea that his health was in jeopardy. He was fortunate that his doctor did bloodwork when he came in complaining about a pain in his side that he thought was just a pulled muscle. Tests showed […]

5 Ways To Show Your Liver Some Love On Valentine’s Day!

A spoon and coffee beans in the shape of a heart

We put a lot of effort into showing the special people in our lives how truly loved they are on Valentine’s Day. But, do we do enough to show our liver how much we care about it? Here are five great tips on making sure the love for our liver […]

Fat Destroyed Her Liver, A Transplant Saved Her Life

On a Friday evening in the spring of 2010 after a long work week, Debbie was rushed to hospital after she began throwing up blood and noticing her stools were black. Spending weeks in and out of Ottawa General Hospital, Debbie underwent testing via bloodwork, ultrasounds and MRI’s until she […]

Coffee and Your Liver

A cup of joe, morning fuel, or your ‘think juice’— love it or hate it, coffee undeniably has deep roots in our modern society. According to the global marketing research company, Euromonitor, Canadians ranked No. 1 for coffee consumption in 2015, guzzling an average of 152 litres per person. The […]

Sparking a Passion for Change

Serena Ho is the first to admit she knew little about liver disease, despite her maternal grandmother’s battle with liver cancer. It wasn’t until her dad, a Toronto-based Dentist, Dr. Stephen Ho, was diagnosed with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) that the family began buffing up their knowledge of liver cancer, […]

A Good Offence for Liver Cancer’s Defence

Since 1970, liver cancer cases have tripled for men and doubled for women. Up to 50% of cancers worldwide may be due to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most common type of primary liver cancer, or cancer that begins in the liver.