Was your New Year’s resolution to make a positive impact in your community by supporting a charity that you love? Or perhaps you’re looking for a new way to get involved with the Canadian Liver Foundation (CLF) and provide hope and support to Canadians living with liver disease. I invite you to join us and be a champion for liver health today!
We’re thrilled to launch the CLF’s DIY fundraising tool. With this new tool, you can make a real difference by doing what you love and celebrating who you love.
The pandemic has changed the way we fundraise, but liver disease has not halted and is actually on the rise. 1 in 4 Canadians may be affected by liver disease – your support is needed now more than ever to bring us one step closer to finding cures for liver disease.
Ready to help us combat liver disease? Here’s how a DIY fundraiser works:
1) Decide on your fundraising activity. The sky is the limit, but here are a few suggestions:
2) Go to www.liver.ca/diyfundraising and create your own fundraising page.
3) Share your fundraiser widely with friends, family and colleagues, and via email, social media and word of mouth.
4) Have fun! Be sure to submit your progress and photos to us, and tag us on social media so that we can help promote your fundraiser.
This is your opportunity to personalize your fundraising challenge, tell your story, fundraise your way, and share with your family, friends, community why the CLF is important to you. The best part? Every dollar you raise – big or small – will help us continue our vital work to fund research, education and awareness, community support, and advocate for the millions of Canadians facing liver disease today.
Our team is here to support you every step of your fundraising journey. If you’d like to brainstorm an idea, learn more about the research that we fund, or discover fundraising tips, send an email to mchui@liver.ca.
Thank you for your continued support; we can’t wait to celebrate your fundraising success!
Monica Chui
Director, Development and Community Engagement
© 2025 Canadian Liver Foundation. All rights reserved. Charitable Registration # 10686 2949 RR0001.
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