The Need for Liver Transplantation

Paperdolls representing diversity of people with liver disease

The Need for Liver Transplantation: An Examination of Ethnicity and Equity Eric M. Yoshida OBC, MD, FRCP(C), Division of Gastroenterology at the University of British Columbia, Chairperson of the national Canadian Liver Foundation (CLF) Medical Advisory Committee and a member of the CLF’s Board of Directors Executive Committee. Trana Hussaini […]

Meet the Researcher

Meet the Researcher We’re excited to share a new series of videos called the Meet the Researcher Series. Our community and supporters know that the donations to the CLF help fund important life-saving research into liver disease, helping to advance prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and even cures. With our Meet the […]

New study on hepatitis B vaccination

Researcher with microscope

New study suggests that Ontario should shift from adolescent to newborn hepatitis B vaccination A recent University Health Network(UHN) led research study found that despite being recommended, not all pregnant women are universally screened for hepatitis B virus (HBV) in Ontario, and the majority of those who do test positive […]