In our latest installment of Meet the Researcher, we connected with Ms. Amber Hager to hear how her current research project is improving outcomes and quality of life for children receiving liver transplants.
Amber is a Registered Dietician and is currently in her second year of a Master’s Program in Human Nutrition and Metabolism at the University of Alberta. Her areas of interest include pediatric liver and gastrointestinal disorders, with a main research focus on how muscle loss and alterations in body composition affects pre-and post-operative outcomes in children undergoing liver transplantation.
Amber is also a Canadian Liver Foundation graduate studentship recipient from 2020, who received the Designated Hepatobiliary Research Grant in Alberta.
Watch the video to learn more about Amber’s latest research project, an at-home physical exercise program for children after liver transplant.
Our Meet the Researcher series aims to connect you, our community, with the actual people conducting life-saving research in the liver disease space. Donations made to the Canadian Liver Foundation help to fund this important research, helping to advance prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and even cures.
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