
Driven By a Shared Purpose


Hand holding a plastic liverAt AstraZeneca (AZ), we are driven by a shared purpose – to push the boundaries of science in core therapeutic areas including oncology, so we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of patients. We are leading a revolution in oncology to redefine cancer care, and our ambition is to provide cures for cancer in every form. We are following the science to understand cancer and all its complexities to discover, develop and deliver life-changing treatments and increase the potential for a cure.

Liver cancer, which is on the rise and is the 3rd leading cause of cancer death worldwide[i], takes a steep toll in Canada. In 2020 alone, an estimated 3,100 Canadians were diagnosed with the disease and 1,450 would die from it[ii]. Some of the common risks for liver cancer include hepatitis B or C virus infections, cirrhosis, diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and excessive alcohol[iii]. The work of the Canadian Liver Foundation (CLF) in research, education and advocating for screening, prevention and early treatment of liver diseases, is critical to reducing the risk and burden of liver disease and liver cancer for patients, their families, and our healthcare system.

AZ’s research in liver cancer includes the most common forms of liver cancer – hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and biliary tract cancers (BTC) – exploring the role of immunotherapy and immunotherapy combinations with the aim of improving survival. We’re also working to understand more about patients and their treatment journey in order to define areas of unmet medical need. Here in Canada, we’re supporting Oncology Outcomes (O2) from the University of Calgary on a Real World Evidence (RWE) study they are leading that will be published in a peer-reviewed journal. The results of this RWE study will provide insights and become a tool in the future to help people better understand the impact of this disease.

With the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, cancer diagnoses declined by approximately 40% worldwide[iv], inspiring a different kind of educational awareness campaign. In response to delays in cancer care, the CLF, AZ and an alliance of nearly 30 Canadian healthcare organizations came together to launch New Normal, Same Cancer – a campaign designed to encourage Canadians to not let fear of the COVID-19 virus prevent them from engaging with the healthcare system. Cancer doesn’t wait, even during a global pandemic, and this campaign continues to encourage Canadians to reprioritize their own cancer care with a simple call to action – Don’t wait. Contact your healthcare team. Get checked.

AZ and the CLF share a deep commitment to patients, to better understanding the interconnection between liver disease and liver cancer, and to supporting the search for better treatments and outcomes.

AstraZeneca logoAstraZeneca is proud to be a platinum sponsor of the Canadian Liver Foundation’s LIVERight Health Forum.

[i] AstraZeneca Global Website. Accessed May 6, 2021.
[ii] Canadian Cancer Society. Accessed May 6, 2021.
[iii] Mayo Clinic. Accessed May 7, 2021.
[iv] Statistic is amalgamated using data from the US, UK, De Vincentiis L, et al. Cancer diagnostic rates during the 2020 ‘lockdown’, due to COVID-19 pandemic, compared with the 2018–2019: an audit study from cellular pathology. Journal of Clinical Pathology Published Online First: 19 June 2020. doi:

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