Autoimmune Hepatitis

Autoimmune hepatitis is a rare chronic condition where the body's immune system attacks the liver resulting in inflammation.

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what is autoimmune hepatitis

Autoimmune hepatitis is a condition where the immune system attacks the liver leading to inflammation and swelling of the liver. It is a lifelong chronic condition which can lead to worsened conditions such as liver scarring (cirrhosis) if left untreated.

fast facts

  • Women are 4x more likely to have autoimmune hepatitis than men.
  • Women aged 15-40 are the most likely to be diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis.
  • Individuals with autoimmune hepatitis have a 25%-50% chance of developing another autoimmune disorder.


In many patients autoimmune hepatitis will be no symptoms at all and the patient will feel perfectly healthy. When symptoms do appear patients may experience:

  • Jaundice or yellowish discoloration of the skin and whites of the eyes
  • Fatigue
  • Decreased appetite
  • Drowsiness
  • Aches or pains in the muscles or joints.

lifestyle impacts

It is important for patients with autoimmune hepatitis to have regular appointments with their doctor or liver specialist to better manage your condition. Regular check ups are important to monitor the state of your liver and if any “flares” have happened indicating you are not responding to treatment.

what can I do?


Scientists are not sure why the body’s immune system attacks the liver causing autoimmune hepatitis, but genetics and previous infections are thought to play a role in developing this condition.


Autoimmune hepatitis often occurs rapidly and unexpectedly. Your doctor may request blood tests to test if there are elevations of ALT and AST enzymes and a liver biopsy to confirm the diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis.


Some patients with very mild or inactive disease may not need any type of active treatment. The goal of treatment for autoimmune hepatitis is to stop the body from attacking the liver by limiting the immune system. Immune system suppression steroids such as prednisone and azathioprine are often used in collaboration to control autoimmune hepatitis. Patients often have to be on these steroids for many years or for life as this condition can be controlled but not cured. Some patients do not require any maintenance therapy and remain in remission with no symptoms and no active inflammation in the liver, for many years. Due to the variable intensity of the disease, even with maintenance treatment, patients may suffer from relapses of inflammation periodically.

The use of these immune system suppressants often cause significant side effects such as reduced resistance to infection, high blood pressure, diabetes, and glaucoma. Additional medications might be required to manage these conditions.

additional resources

Here are a few questions to ask your doctor or medical team:

  • What is the current status of my liver? Do I have liver damage?
  • What medications are available to manage my condition?
  • Is it possible that I have other autoimmune disorders?