A Framework for Meaningful Impact

Our Strategic Plan 2022-2025

In January 2022, the Canadian Liver Foundation released A Framework for Meaningful Impact, highlighting six strategic directions guiding 2022-2025.

The global pandemic has uncovered critical areas that we must address, to better serve those living with and affected by liver disease. Over these last two years, we’ve marvelled at communities engaging in critical conversations of our time, confronting inequity, advocating for improved health and well-being, and finding new ways to stay connected. 

The digital era is fully upon us, driving new and exciting innovations, partnerships, advancements in research, and welcoming new facets of opportunity.  

These are exciting times. As momentum builds and the world evolves, the Canadian Liver Foundation will not be a bystander. 

Over the next three years, our strategic plan will guide us in playing a more active role in this positive, forward-looking period of change. 

In 2021, we asked you – our liver disease community, “What do you need the Canadian Liver Foundation to prioritize over the next three years to become an even stronger liver health leader in Canada?”

Our six strategic directions for 2022-2025 are the answer to this question. 

Reach More People with Improved Support Services and Programs

We will evaluate and strengthen our existing support offerings and double down on efforts to ensure these supports are accessible to a much larger percentage of Canada.

Increase Meaningful Community Engagement

Moving forward, we will ensure that those living with and affected by liver disease are central to every aspect of our work.

Develop and Action an Evidence and Equity-based Audience Strategy

To ensure that every Canadian can feel supported by the Canadian Liver Foundation, the development of an evidence-based audience diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy will begin immediately .

Define the Research Program

In 2022, we’ll conduct an audit of our research and research funding program. From this, we’ll develop a multi-year strategy that concretely defines our role in the research community.

Strengthen Health Promotion, Education and Awareness Campaigning

We will ensure more campaigns are seen and heard by more Canadians.

Grow and Evolve Fundraising Opportunities Across Canada

We will work to build a stronger network and fundraising program to meet the diverse needs of Canadians living with liver disease, and to bring us closer to our mission.

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