

New Chair of the Board of Directors

Canadian Liver Foundation Announces New Chair of the Board of Directors I am pleased to announced Elliott Jacobson

Happy Holidays from the Canadian Liver Foundation

From the Desk of the CEO As we come to the end of 2020 and
Liver Disease Champions, News

Reason To Celebrate

Celebrating the Nobel Prize in Medicine Today, the Canadian Liver Foundation celebrates the conferral of the Nobel Prize in Medicine to Drs. Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton, and Charles M. Rice for the discovery of the Hepatitis C virus. This prestigious recognition is very well deserved,
Stroller Spotlight: Nancy-Eaton Doke
Events, Guest Blog

Stroller Spotlight: My New Lease on Life

Help support people living withAutoimmune Liver Disease, like Nancy.Continue below to read
Events, Guest Blog

Stroller Spotlight – A Happy Ending

Help support children and familiesliving with Biliary Atresia.Continue below to